Friday, February 03, 2006

What's Up With Chris Matthews?

I thought I was the only one that had noticed how awful Hardball hosted by Chris Matthews had gotten. He seems lost, not knowing what he's about and grasping for straws as if his ratings were plumetting. But now I see that political blogs all over the place are complaining about his show.

He'll never be a darling of the right, having once been identified as a liberal. But with his, as Arianna Huffington says, Ass-Smooching of this administration he's lost most of the left as well. There may be a few moderates left. But frankly, I think if he lost David Shuster it would pretty much be the end of any respect that the show Hardball had left.

Friday night is especially horrid. He gathers Tucker Carlson, Rita Cosby, and usually Joe Scarborough for a real right wing fling.

I used to listen to his rants about the ethical concerns of Bill Clinton because of his affair with Monica. But will all the criminal prosecutions occuring in this administration all he can do is brag about how he kissed up to the President at the Christmas party.

MSNBC has followed CNN in making bad move after bad move. In trying to move right, they've alienated members from both sides of the spectrum and ended up with the worst in hosts.

Thank goodness the BBC is getting more and more popular. I wonder why that could be?


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