Thursday, January 26, 2006

A Revolution in Governments

We've seen revolutions in government in Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Venezuala, Liberia, Bolivia, Spain, Canada, and now Palestine.

Except for Canada and Liberia, it would seem that a stance against the US is the best platform for getting elected. Even the Liberal Canadian government took out ads against the US during the last campaign, but with the reputation of corruption hanging over the liberal party, an anti-US policy wasn't enough to ensure a victory.

But more than rejecting a close US partnership, I think these elections represent a rebellion against oligarchies and corruption, often propped up artificially by the US, making us a target for their problems, but not the prime cause.

We're familiar with oligarchies in Syria, Jordan, and Egypt, where the position of king or prime minister is often handed from father to son, or to chosen successor. We're now also seeing a rejection of these governments by their people.

Both Venezuala and Bolivia have seen that close cooperation with the IMF by traditional governments has resulted in poverty and corruption in their economy. Egypt is tired of Mubarak, Lebanon of Assad, Canada of the Liberal party, Turkey of Demerel and Ecevet, and Spain of Aznar and the People's Party.

These governments must win the right to govern by serving the people, not keeping their positions by force or through kowtowing to a foreign government, US, Russian, or Chinese.

The low approval rating of both Democrats and Republicans in the US shows this rejection of embedded incumbancy. We more than anyone should realize that it is competition for positions of leadership that keep us sharp, not a system of bribes and threats that create a pseudo-royalty.

Here in the US the elmination of the middle-class is creating a strong chasm between the haves and have nots. If the current government, both Democrat and Republican, don't start doing their housekeeping and patrolling the treasure rooms, we could see a true rebellion even here in the US, which would surely cause a domino affect felt the world round.


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