Who will stand up?

I've wondered what difference a Democrat would make since their platforms all seem to be the same as George Bush's. They just seem to think they'd do the same thing better.
But today's news that the House just passed a bill that would take $40 billion worth of benefits from the poorest among us to pay for tax cuts for the richest, I'm really starting to lean towards the Democrats for the next election.
I don't believe in large benefit programs, but when oil companies get $billions in tax cuts and credits as we cut Medicare co-pay payments, make student loans more expensive, and cut alimony collection help for single mothers we're just going too far.
Did you hear the news report on the soldiers that were getting collection notices because they were overpaid $1,000 - $2,000 while in the hospital? Yet we lost over $4 billion in Iraq in pay-offs to local officials. Where are our priorities? As far as I'm concerned, let the soldiers keep the extra pay. Can anyone say they're more deserving to that little bit of money? 6,000 soldiers at $2,000 each (a mximum) is still less than Senator Steven's bridge to nowhere.
We need to look at our national priorities. But until we get politicians out of the pockets of corporations, we're not going to be helping the infrastructure that seems to be in such a need.
The question is, can we trust the current Democratic group to stand up and do what is right? Or would we have better luck with contrite and chastened Republicans?
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