Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Bringing a Nation Together

"I come today, to honor the memory of someone that worked to bring our nation together.".

So said one of the most divisive presidents in our hostory at the funeral of Coretta Scott King. Thus we have proof that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

This happens just as a new letter from a senior Republican senator blasts a junior senator of the other party. What starts at the top seems to soon flow to the most local levels of our lives.

Constantly in our long history we have allowed ourselves to be divided so that those in power can better control us. Moabite vs Ammonite, English Vs French, Protestant vs Catholic, black vs white, Democrat vs Republican.

But what binds us and allows us to construct, rather than destruct, are those characteristics that we have in common. Love of family, children, desire to better our lives. Can there be little doubt that the huge deficits, lack of quality jobs, and falling education rates we see today could easily be overcome if both houses worked together across the aisle?

We need not the control of the triad by one party, but the various views of all parties working to compromise, to develop an administration that is a true umbrella policy for all citizens of these great states.

Hopefully, the seeds of a new coalition can be planted today. May we remember the life of Coretta Scott King, that wonderful woman who shouldered the burden started by the dream of her husband, and work that hopefully we won't soon forget.


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