Friday, January 26, 2007

The Workings of Court

It seems so odd to be remoting back and forth from political pundits to HBO's Rome. Dana Priest, that outstanding reporter from the Washington Post, once talked about mercenary run wars and royal courts bickering as a sign of old empires. I don't know if we're a tired empire looking for gaudy entertainment, but we certainly have the spectacle of court thanks to Libby, Cheney, Rove, and Novak.

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fizgerald is peeling back the layers and showing us machinations that would have made Mark Antony proud. Cathie Martin has been testifying giving us a peek into the administration that believed control was all important. Next week we'll hear from former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer as he testifies under immunity and now we learn that Karl Rove and counselor Dan Bartlett have both been issued subpoenas.

I still don't understand why Libbby didn't just shut up, take a sentence and a pardon. But I'm certainly glad he didn't. But if I do get bored there's always Rome, or is it the other way around?


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