It's All a Game
I've often thought that the reason evangelical leaders rant on homosexuality is that they know the issue is a hot button that will get people, mostly men, to send in money.Certainly with all of the violence, homeless, drug addicts, and global warming being gay is not a high priority threat to anyone.
Yesterday, ran an ad against presidential hopeful John McCain and his Iraq stance. Why McCain? Why not Duncan Hunter, who won the Phoenix area straw poll? Could it be that attacking McCain will get more people to send in donations?
Now McCain has responded in an email to his list asking for money to respond to MoveOn.
In order to respond to these negative attacks we need your financial support today for Senator McCain's Presidential Exploratory Committee. Please consider making an immediate contribution of $500, $250, $100, or whatever you can afford by visiting the following link:
Am I the only one that thinks we're the shuttlecock in a game of make money badminton? I've heard that Kerry and Bush spent around $35,000 on ties for the last election. I think the main point of all of this is just to make these people rich.
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