Outsiders At Large
The US raid of an Iranian facility in the Kurdish north area of Iraq the other day has a lot o f people questioning whether the Prez is getting ready to attack Iran.White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe would not comment on Thursday's raid.
"But the president made it clear last night that we will not tolerate outside interference in Iraq. And that's what the Iranians are up to," Mr. Johndroe said.
This reminds me of an exchange between Senator Ted Kennedy and a British soldier in British controlled Ireland.
"Why don't you go home?" sneered the British guard. "Why don't you?" replied the Senator. I'm quoting here from memory and may not have the quote exact.
According to a Sep 2006 poll of Iraqis 71% wanted the US out of their country within a year. Now we're increasing our footprint there just enough to cause more problems but not enough to stop the violence.
There's an oft quoted wisdom that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Isn't it time we stopped the insanity?
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