Oversight? Not So Much Says Lieberman
"There has been a near total lack of cooperation that has made it impossible, in my opinion, for us to do the thorough investigation that we have a responsibility to do," Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, said at Tuesday's hearing of the Senate committee investigating the response. His spokeswoman said he would ask for a subpoena for documents and testimony if the White House did not comply.
So said Senator Lieberman a year ago of documents that might have shed light on the fiasco of the Katrina Hurricane aftermath. And more importantly, on what President Bush and vice-president Cheney's role in all of this was. Because from what we've seen Browny was right, he was framed.
So now that Senator Lieberman is Chair of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and Democrats have subpoena power to get answers, we're going to find out what happened, right?
Well, er, no. Lieberman, Bush's personal other party adviser on the Iraq war, has decided it's no longer so important.
... according to Leslie Phillips, the senator’s chief committee spokeswoman. “The senator now intends to focus his attention on the future security of the American people and other matters and does not expect to revisit the White House’s role in Katrina”
It's not Lieberman's fault says his spokesperson in response.
All legislators must work in a bipartisan manner with the other party and the White House if they want to get anything done.So it's you pat my back and I'll pat yours. I only had poly sci 101, but I thought the reason we had three houses was so they could keep an eye on each other. I guess I was wrong.
And oh yea, thanks Connecticut.
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