AWOL Politicians, Or How to CYA
Washington was the site for a large anti-Iraq war demonstration on Saturday. Tens of thousands of protesters were said to have shown up, many bussed in from states all over the east coast.If you go with the theme Go Big or Go Home, over 70% of Americans think we're on the wrong course in Iraq. Bush's plan is seen as just enough of a surge to get more people killed, but probably not enough to make a difference.
The 2006 elections are viewed by most outside of Connecticut (thanks for supporting the war Connecticut) as a clear message that it's time to get out from between warring factions in Iraq.
Yet the only federal politicians to show up at the rally organized by United for Peace and Justice were the usual suspects. Dennis Kucinich, Maxine Waters, John Conyers, and Lynn Woolsey.
The news organizations were all a-twitter over Hillary in Iowa, missing the real story of Senator Clinton refusing to take a stand on the war despite being from a very Democratic state.
Where were Brownback, Boxer, Obama, Wilson, and all of the other politicians. I'll excuse Senator Chuck Hagel, who's "if you want a safe job sell shoes" line is a classic.
It's too bad that the politicians are more interested in keeping their job than doing it. And haven't learned the lesson of 2006 that they're both one in the same.
It seems more and more that politicans represent the people less and less, while doing the slug-work of the corporatocracy more and more. Being seen with Jane Fonda at a rally is not only bad PR, but it might be bad for business ...
What hacks ...
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