Friday, December 22, 2006

Do You Fantasize?

No, not in a "I'm doing Debbie" sort of way. But let me explain.

I'm pushing 50, and have the typical problems sleeping. Having nothing to do while laying there trying to go to sleep, I did something I haven't done in decades. Daydreamed.

It's an elaborate fantasy with an alien world, immortality, strange critters, farming, and people. As I teenager I used to love science fiction. They could set up any situation on any world and experiment. When DAW started to publish I probably bought a book a day.

Laying there that night, I realized that this late night daydreaming helped me get to sleep.

I asked some friends of similar age if the daydreamed. They'd all lost the habit. And all had trouble falling asleep.

So maybe insomnia isn't all hormones and aging. Maybe it's just that we've quit taking the time to let our minds relax and drift. Some purposeless meandering.

I've heard that Americans have trouble meditating. As soon as we stop and sit still we fall asleep. We're always on the go. Avoiding our dreams.

Perhaps that's what we're looking for in the drugs we take. Marijuana, coke, even ambien. Just a little escape. But we do it in the typical American quick-fix style.

A little daydreaming is good. Not "They'll greet us with candy and flowers" daydreaming, but the "tomorrow will be a better day" kind.

So take some time. Happy dreams.



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