Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A Little Over the Top with our Children

This is a news story I just came across.
A Brockton first grader was suspended from school for three days for allegedly sexually harassing a girl in his class.

The principal of the Downey Elementary School claims the boy put two fingers inside the girl's waistband last week during circle time.

I had a friend whose child was always in trouble in school for talking. He spent more time in the principal's office then the classroom. When I hear about children being arrested for stomping in puddles, kindergartners handcuffed and taken away for disturbing the class, and security personnel stationed in classrooms in Houston, I have to wonder if the problem is with our children or with us adults.

I seriously doubt if the first grader listed above was thinking anything wicked. If he'd just smacked the girl, our violence ridden culture wouldn't have thought a thing about it. At best he was being affectionate or curious, at worst he was just trying to annoy her and get some attention.

Why is it we're unable to guide a six year old without the incident leading to a suspension and national press. Are we that afraid of being sued? Or have we just gotten that dumb?

The boy wasn't charged because children under 7 aren't recognized as being able to distinguish between right and wrong, unfortunately we can't arrest the adults at the school for being stupid.


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