Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Come join me - if you dare

"…We have people up there in Congress with the brain of a 2-year-old who don't know what they are doing, they don't experience it. I challenge the president or anyone who has us for 15 months to ride alongside me. I'll do another 15 months if he comes out here and rides alomg with me every day. I'll do 15 more months. They don't even have to pay me extra."
(Sean Smith/Guardian)

I was stationed in Turkey in the late 70's, but there the hottest day I saw was 118F. Helmet, gas mask, long sleeve fatigues and flak jacket. There were people shooting at us, but it was mostly the Kurdish PKK downtown.

Even then the politicians were pretty spineless and refused to answer out letters, because "officially" we weren't there.

Then the Iran hostage situation hit and amazingly we had bases all over Turkey.

I guess if there's one thing you can count on, it's that you can't count on politicians. Especially these Republican chickenhawks, in such a rush to go to war but afraid to go themselves.


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