Monday, July 02, 2007

The Real Libby Crime

There's a lot of talk about Scooter's escaping prison and Valerie Wilson. But everyone seems to miss the real crime, and threat, from a CIA operative being exposed.

Ms. Wilson (Plame) may or may not have been working undercover at the time she was revealed. But her exposure lead to the destruction of a very carefully constructed front company that was heavily involved in preventing the spread of nuclear weapons and other severe threats.

This company was Brewster Jennings & Associates. Not only was the company brought to public scrutiny, but so were other CIA operatives as well as foreign nationals friendly to our cause.

Major spy networks obliterated for the selfish purposes of the Bush administration and we may never know how many lives were lost for this petty achievement. Underground weapons networks don't take kindly to spies.

In every respect the constant missteps of this administration have put us under more danger. Something that should be treated as a high crime and treason.


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