Fun On the Hill
They may be bi-partisan, but the Democrats are still getting their digs in.First House Speaker Pelosi ousted outgoing Speaker Hastert's from the Robert H. Michel suite of offices. This will be the first time in 50 years that a Democrat has been in those offices.
Now Representative Charles Rangel has claimed the offices loaned to Vice President Cheney during the Republican reign. Said Rangel gleefully "I'm trying to find some way to be gentle as I restore the dignity of that office," Rangel chuckled at the time. "You gotta go, you gotta go."
Rangel is on record as calling the veep a "son of a bitch". I wonder what will happen on the senate side, where Cheney told Senator Leahy to "fuck yourself".
There may be talk of bi-partisanship, but clearly the Democrats are telling the Republicans they're not going to forget the last 12 years.
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