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The Republicans have had the House for the last 12 years and in that time they've stifled the Democrats by discussing bills without the Democrats being present, bringing votes up for a vote without allowing the Democrats to read the bills first, holding votes open for an extended time to allow the Republicans to flip votes, pulled the microphone plug on the Democrats, shut off the lights on Demcrats when they've disagreed with the Republicans and forced Democrats to meet in the basement.So now that the Democrats have a well publicized plan for the first 100 hours of session that they want to push through, how are the Republicans reacting?
House Republican Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) on the Democrats first 100 hours plan.
"In their first one hundred hours of governance, House Democrats will renege on a pledge to fully debate policy alternatives, denying the citizens of this country an open, honest discussion of the issues.
If the Democrats continue to act this way then yes, I think the Republicans have reason to cry foul. But it would be hard to have too much sympathy for the Republicans. But lets hope not because in the long run it's the nation that loses.
Speaking of whining, the liberal bloggers are complaining about the media bringing up Barack Obama's admission to using marijuana in his book Dreams From My Father.It's called a vetting process, and these are things the public needs to know before sending in donations and voting for Barack. Bush admitted to drinking and refused to comment on cocaine use, so I think the good Senator will be fine.
In fact, the people who have tried drugs and stopped don't bother me nearly as much as the ones that have led such a sheltered life that they've never tried anything illegal.
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