Just to Be a Contrarian
I have to play devil's advocate. I've seen this administration play the media for fools before.Everyone from MSNBC to the BBC has decided that Bush will be firing General Casey and stepping on his body to announce the escalation of troops in Iraq.
According to the New York Times article General Casey represents "Stand the Iraqis up so we can stand down".
The new push is supposed to be to control the nation so we can get a little peace and quiet, then train the Iraqis.
The key part of the new push will be sending a couple of divisions worth of soldiers (10,000 - 30,000) to Iraq to establish peace. In a country of 26 million people.
We'll see. I'm not that ready to seal the deal, as the Bush administration has made a sharp left turn and made the media look foolish before. But for the sake of the soldiers, I hope we're not escalating.
BTW, why is the CIA World Factbook only available on a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection? The population of Iraq isn't a state secret. Are they generally paranoid or is there a benefit to them? Or am I just paranoid? Remember, just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean everyone isn't out to get you.
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