Monday, February 12, 2007

Bolton Beats It, North Korea Comes Home

I remember years ago Ambassador John Bolton shooting off his mouth the night before talks with North Korea. The next day North Korea pulled out of the talks and went on to test nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems.

Now Johnny is gone and we hear that Christopher Hill has had a major break-through with the negotiations team.

Coincidence? I think not.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Onward to (another) War

I was listening to Senate hearings the other day. The same hearings where GOJ (Good Old Joe, Party of One) Lieberman proposed a war tax.

He started his questioning by asking General Pace if they were investigating the downing of American helicopters with what he was sure were Iranian surface to air missiles.

Now every news report has said that the helicopters were downed by small arms fire. A SAM, even a shoulder launched SAM, isn't small arms fire. Is Joey not reading the newspapers, or is he so hell bent to get us involved in another war that he's doing everything to bias news reports?

Connecticut, again I say, for shame.

Friday, February 02, 2007

The War Against Footballism

The NFL came out swinging against churches planning on showing the Superbowl in their churches.

Since churches have gone multimedia, many have invested in large screen projection systems making for a great football experience.

But even more militant than the Olympic Committee, the NFL is threatening these home of hostile footballism if they show games on screens wider than 55" or if they mention the word Superbowl® in billboards or bulletins.

Is the NFL afraid of not sharing in the loot? No, the churches don't charge admission.

But if the churches served popcorn and beer they might get by with the game. The exception to the widescreen rule? Sports bars that regularly show televised sports. Gives communion whine a whole new meaning.

Word of the Day - Dire

As in:
The great flu pandemic: Despite dire warnings, public interest has

Area Red Cross in dire need of blood

Dire global warming report won't change US policy

US command nominee terms Iraq situation 'dire'

All in all a Google news search on 'dire' returns Results 1 - 50 of about 10,719 for dire.

American Heritage Dictionary
dire (dīr) Pronunciation Key
adj. dir·er, dir·est

1. Warning of or having dreadful or terrible consequences; calamitous: a dire economic forecast; dire threats.
2. Urgent; desperate: in dire need; dire poverty.

[Latin dīrus, fearsome, terrible; akin to Greek deinos.]

dire'ly adv., dire'ness n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Hate Speech By Any Other Name

This was at the top of an email from Tom Winters of Human Events Online.

Someday soon, you might wake up to the call to prayer from a Muslim muezzin. Millions of Europeans already do.

And liberals will still tell you that "diversity is our strength" -- while Talibanic enforcers cruise our cities burning books and barber shops. The Supreme Court decides sharia law doesn't violate the "separation of church and state" ... and the Hollywood Left gives up gay rights in favor of the much safer charms of polygamy.

While I don't expect much from any group that includes hate monger Ann Coulter, it just seems to me that this group has become the imaginary group that they're warning us against.

We have a diversity of cultures in the US. There are Chinese neighborhoods were all the signs are in chinese, the markets carry Chinese food items, all of the Schwab employees speak either Mandarin or Cantonese. The same goes for hispanic, jewish, and muslim groups. Given the slow immigration rate of most groups they come in, assimilate, and join our larger community.

Winters warns us that we need to take action(send him money) to prevent the takeover of our wonderful country from "outsiders". He doesn't want "his" country invaded and to wake up one day in a state the he doesn't control.

This isn't a lot different from the Islamists that want to run Americans and Jews out of the middle-east. They warn others of the dangers of dilution and the corruption these other groups cause to their way of life.

Hate speech is hate speech. Whether it's on the other side of the pond or our own. The only difference is that we have the responsibility of preventing this bigotry from spreading over here.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Now It's Hogwash Everywhere

Dick Cheney started it.

WOLF BLITZER: ...good Republican friends in the Senate and the
House are now seriously questioning your credibility, because of the blunders and the failures.
Gordon Smith...
CHENEY: Wolf, Wolf, I simply don't accept the premise of your question. I just think it's

Now it's Senator Byrd.

“This administration has claimed that debating the president’s plan will undermine U.S. troops. Hogwash. H-O-G-W-A-S-H.” — Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va.

Just what do these wise ( ) men mean? I guess it's better than some of the language Cheney has used, but not quite up there with Donald Rumsfelds "aw shucks" moments.

[hawg-wosh, -wawsh, hog-] –noun
1.refuse given to hogs; swill.
2.any worthless stuff.
3.meaningless or insincere talk, writing, etc.; nonsense; bunk.

[Origin: 1400–50; 1900–05 for def. 2; late ME. ] Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.